Am I on track to start our growth hacking?


New member
So we're building a video editing tool that lets users auto transcribe videos then use the actual text to edit videos.

Our first line of code was 01.01 this year. By end of March we had the MVP done.

By the same time we had 100 beta users signed up. This was two months of part time effort. Primarily focused on fb group and painstaking direct out reach. (actually had about 100 more beta users signed up before we started, but ignoring that as it was based on a product that we ended up scrapping!)

I stopped growing the beta user db and started working on SEO at the start of this quarter.

The product wasn't ready for beta users so we only put it on front of 10 beta users. Instead we outreaches to four users and created a service offer. I won three as clients for service.

Product is still not ready as its complex. Hoping to put in front of users next week onwards. But the actual minimum sellable version will be end of mech quarter.

I've also tested other channels/things and this is where we are at:
* instagram - 140 UNenengaged followers - almost seems pointless given the effort I put in, but going to change up my content now and see where it goes.
* content marketing community on FB - started this last week. 67 members enrolled.
* seo - traffic starting to trickle through average 3-4 site visitors per day, and clicking into platform at around 20%
* beta list at 150 (as above, bit more direct outreach, reddit posts, FB Groups and a handful from LinkedIn direct outreach)
* around $400mrr in service revenues!

Working on now:
*seo continues - if anyone has any tips, I'd love to hear
* paid ads to drive fb group up, send to be working, but I literally started this yesterday.
* paid fb 'lead collection'... Might be losing money on this, so will stop this next few days
* twitter - Starting from 0 followers
* Instagram - experiment with easier to create content
* building up the fb community

Once the product is ready to start putting in front ofmore users, I'll be starting distribution of content (guest posting, spinning content etc). I've tested that slightly and got a hundred or so visits on the days I've done that. I'll combine that with small amounts of paid ads on fb and maybe Google. Prefer fb, as I can demo the product.

I randomly wrote this whole on phone, so sorry if it doesn't make sense. I promise I don't drink. I might have left out a lot. I know this isn't really growth hacking, but id love to hear some thoughts on my progress and just discuss what I could have done better.
@hebahesh Hi Jay! If you're looking to get into growth hacking, there are lots of groups and forums you can join to discuss and ask for help from, but what I also find really helpful is to get insights from someone I trust, so I know I’m getting the right information! Right now, I’m a big fan of Tristan Pollock, he’s a movement builder and community growth hacker with a decade of experience in building/selling startups and scaling communities (he even helped Google, Nike, and Best Buy scale their businesses). I know he’s releasing an audio course too, so you might be interested in that! It'll be helpful for you to get a better understanding of what Community Growth Hacking is! More specifically, what makes a community, how they are built, and how to start and launch your very own. I think it'll be really helpful for you since the course also teaches strategies and tactics from successful communities out there, and how to build cult followings!

It’s called “Community Growth Hacking: Movement Building with Strategy”, check it out if you’re interested in learning about growth hacking! It'll be made available if there's enough interest 👉

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