An easy way to build cross-platform desktop software


New member
Hi r/Startup_Ideas,

If you've ever tried to build a desktop app, you probably understand our frustrations with how challenging it is to build one and make it available on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Even with Electron, you still have to set up your own build pipelines, updating mechanisms, code-signing, deployments, and deal with cross-platform compatibility issues.

We built EXT to make building cross-platform desktop software easier and today we launched on Product Hunt!

Dog-fooding our own APIs, we created 36 initial games and utilities for the EXT store (all free), and we’ve open-sourced all of them.

If you’re into casual web games or want to check out some fun and useful utilities like JS Paint (inspired by ‘95 MS Paint), check out EXT!

We'd love to know what you think!

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