Announcing stodo - a command-line-based to-do application


New member


s\stodo* (or stodo) is a
command-line-based to-do application.
s*todo currently only runs on Linux systems, although it might be
pretty straightforward to port it to other UNIXes, including macOS.
You can download it from github at
by git-cloning it - i.e.:


git clone

s\todo*'s features include the following:
  • Create entries (called items) for tasks, memos, appointments,
    and projects.
  • Configure time-based notifications/reminders for items.
  • Change the status of an item: in-progress, suspended, completed, or
  • List pending items, sorted by due date.
  • Editing of items with an editor or from the command line.
  • Grepping - search for all items that match a keyword or regular
  • Version control of items with git.
  • Processing of file attachments.
  • item hierarchies for organization/classification.
  • references to other items.

Use cases​

  • As a to-do list tool: Keep track of your planned items - projects, tasks,
    appointments, memoranda, etc. Send yourself reminders (daily, weekly,
    on a specified date/time, etc.) for items you deem important.
    Prioritize your projects and tasks - e.g., send a monthly or even
    yearly reminder for a somewhat unimportant task that you, nevertheless,
    don't want to completely forget about.
  • As a study aid - For example, I use it to organize and keep track of
    different aspects or components of my Mandarin study, such as
    listening, reading, speaking, writing, and grammar. As well, I use its
    "process-attachments" facility to begin a study session - for example, I
    invoke the facility on the attachments (Mandarin text files and audio or
    video files) of a "Mandarin study task" to study a story in my lesson
  • To play music, by invoking the "process-attachments" on a music item
    whose attachments are audio/music files. Or to watch a movie on an
    item with video attachments.
  • To keep track of and/or archive data that one doesn't want to
    lose, such as: past events in one's life; one's family genealogy; tips,
    howtos, and URLs for, for example, software development and technology,
    medicine or any other field; birthdays of family members and
    friends; etc.
  • To plan iterations for a software project and keep track of what was
    done on past iterations.
  • If you want to change an item but don't want to lose the original
    content, you can run stodo gitadd to put it under
    git-based version control.
  • Etc.

More info​

See the README file
( for more
information, including more on how to use the application and installation

How to use stodo


Run s*todo to obtain a basic usage message - i.e.:

Usage: stodo 

  help []         show help (on topic , if provided)
  new|init           look for and process new to-do items
  notify             send pending notifications to-do items
  combined           combine notifications with processing of new items
  report             display a report of existing to-do items
  chparent    change parent of the item with handle  to be the
                     item with handle . If  is '{none}',
                     the item is set as parentless.
  chhandle    change handle of the item with handle  to 
  change          change attribute(s) of item with handle 
  add                add a new item
  del                delete the specified items
  clear_d ...     clear descendants of items with handle specs , ...
  remove_d    find descendant (handle ) of ancestor (handle )
                     and delete it
  clone       clone item with handle  as a new item with handle 
  stat  ...    change status of handles , ... to state-change 
  temp [ ...]  output a to-do item Template (for target type )
  backup [opts]      back up data files
  proca ...       process attachments for items with handles ...
  git-          perform the specified 'git' operation: 
  version            print Version number and exit