Any growth hacks for growing YouTube subscribers or are we stuck slogging it out with time consuming white hat methods?


New member
For example, if I had 20 YouTube accounts with different IP addresses running on Jarvee that are watching all of the videos on our channels and clicking a like button, would that be enough to give them a push faster? I've noticed that F/UF doesn't seem to work at all when it comes to YouTube as well.

Any hacks you have found? We are already posting twice daily YouTube shorts but it's not really having any noticeable effect on subscriber numbers. I have also tried using Microworkers and a couple Fiverr gigs, and that helped to give us a boost, but ultimately we want to gain a lot of real followers. I also don't mind spending like $10 a day per channel on advertisements if that is going to help us to grow.
@iambridget "if I had 20 YouTube accounts with different IP addresses running on Jarvee that are watching all of the videos on our channels and clicking a like button, would that be enough to give them a push faster?" No. It will get you kicked off utube faster, though.

"We are already posting twice daily YouTube shorts but it's not really having any noticeable effect on subscriber numbers" Probably because your headlines and/or your content or CTAs suck and utube can't figure out who to deliver your channel to.

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