Anyone interested in joining a remote founders community?

I'm a solopreneur but facing issues in getting started on my journey. I find it challenging to work without a team or someone to share progress with. Also I like helping/supporting other startups so thought of starting this community. Below are initial points.

Benefits of joining community
  • Get feedback & mentorship on your ideas
  • Accountability partners
  • Technical help (if possible)
  • Any relevant connects (if possible)
What you have to give
  • Time , 1-2 hrs/week online
  • Effort to help/support others
  • Any relevant connects
  • Give technical help if possible
Other points
  • This is an experiment for 1 month, might discontinue if it isn't useful
  • Zero charges
  • No selling, promotions of products in community
  • Limited seats to begin with maybe around 10
Let me know if this sounds useful or you have any questions. Thanks.

Edit:please join this telegram group if interested:

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