Anyone Up For A Weekly Call?


New member
I want to put together a weekly mastermind call for people just getting going in their business and see the value in collaborating with a network of like minded people to help you grow.

We'll meet as a group once a week over zoom to share wins, learn from industry experts I bring in, share sales / marketing tactics that are working, keep up to date on latest trends, solve business problems our members run into as a team, set goals, hold each other accountable and push each other to win as a team!

It will be all 100% real business owners, no gurus or vendors trying to sell something.

I also have a private forum set up (with a mobile app too) that everyone can ask questions in and use to network in between the weekly calls.

Limiting it to 25 people so the group doesn't get so big that we can't all collaborate.

The only conditions are 1- You have to show up every week. 2- You have to add value to the group. Whether that be offering up advice, sharing something with the group thats working good for you, asking questions, sharing hurdles you need help getting through, etc.

If you're interested drop a comment below for the algorithm and send me a DM. I own a plumbing company btw.

P.S - I made this same post a few weeks ago and a lot of people were interested, but when I started DMing everyone Reddit suspended my account for sending to many DM's in a row. So if you're interested make sure you DM me, don't just comment. Thanks!
@p4ul0n I’m up for it. Searching for product market fit, can’t tell if I’m SaaS for contractors or the GC myself :) I would find a regular meet up like this valuable.

Weekly will be hard to make though
@p4ul0n I was trying to chat or send a dm to you. It won't let me as I am a new member to Reddit....even though I read it all the time.

I want to know more about this but also in another post you had, you mentioned JobCommand and if anyone was interested in a demo. I am.

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