App idea


New member
Curious to hear your take on this App Idea.

Audio language learning flashcard experience. The app utters a word for example "Ferseher" you answer "Television", the app then uses voice recognition and checks whether your response is the correct translation for the word. You would have a complete learning session with various words from a chosen topic. You could also create custom flashcards. The app would then automatically translate and voice the custom flashcards. I would really want to integrate AI(GPT like), seeing from personal experience how helpful it is when learning a new language. I feel like it would be a good way to learn words at a time when you wouldn’t normally have the ability to. And a new way to learn flashcards you create with the words that you require.

Why this is useful? This system provides a completely hands-free learning experience, so the user can learn while driving, cooking, etc

Would this be something of interest to users?

Feel free to share your opinions for bettering the idea

How difficult would something like this be to code on Swift and how time-consuming, if I am, basically a beginner and would dedicate at least 2 hours a day to this?

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