Apply to Berkeley SkyDeck - the world's premier academic accelerator


New member
Hi all,

I wanted to spread the word to the future world-changers in this forum... Berkeley SkyDeck is now accepting applications for the new Spring 2018 cohort.

Berkeley SkyDeck looks like many other accelerators - located in the SF Bay Area, it provides working space, access to legal / finance services, and plenty of mentors ready to help you grow your business from 0 to 1. And we were already rated "gold" by the Seed Accelerator Ranking project. But starting with this new cohort, we are now adding $100k of funding for every startup backed by leading VCs like Sequoia Capital... we can help you succeed.

Now here are a couple ways SkyDeck isn't like any other accelerator:
  • located on campus at UC Berkeley, our startups have access to campus lab equipment (biomolecular nanotechnology center, marvell nanolab, Qb3 functional genomics lab, molecular foundry) at a low, low hourly rate (like $20/hr for equipment costing tens of millions of dollars, and better than just about any corporate R&D lab),
  • we have top UC Berkeley professors signed on as "faculty-in-residence", sharing their technical expertise with our companies.
  • we can accept startups with foreign national founders. Foreign nationals (including those outside of the US) can apply to become visiting scholars (for up to 2 years) through a special research program called the Global Founder Program at UC Berkeley SCET. This is your pathway for interfacing to Silicon Valley.
So, come check us out!