Are oAuth providers (Google, FB, Twiiter, etc.) important for B2C services?


New member
I'm working on a service similar to Patreon or Ko-fi/BuyMeACoffee, that is meant mostly for B2C but does cater a bit more to businesses than Patreon does. The important part is everyone needs a username, even the donators, so the less friction to add a username the better obviously.

I can't decide if I should go for straight up username/password so that everyone has a username right off the bat so no friction on signup. Or if I should use something like Next-Auth which will allow me a lot of oAuth providers (Google, FB, Twiiter, etc.), presumably making it easier for some people to sign up, but adds an extra layer of friction to where I have to make sure users take the next step of creating their username before doing anything. Both would be about equally as easy to implement.

Is there some good stats on how much oAuth affect sign up rates? Or general consensus if it's worth it or not?
@nina723 You should always offer auth providers imo, behause it’s more comfortable and secure for the user. Just ask for the Field after signup/ when it doesnt exist and you are Good to Go.
@clare100 No it's not. Ask a bunch of non technical users. They'll tell you that they'd rather not enter theor google password into a random site.

I know that's not how it works as I've implemented oauth, but thr average consumer doesn't understand how it works.

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