AtoZUI - Save 100+ hours & quickly launch your sideproject


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Hello all,

AtoZ UIis a side-project that me & my friend started in February. We have close to 10+ years in JavaScript, Web & App experience.

We have built several websites & apps in our journey - lots of unfinished projects, some released, some even shut :)

The toughest part of building or launching a side-project is "Making Time" for it. Most projects don't even reach the first finish line - Product Release.

Our Goal: Enabling people & startups to quickly launch products-
  • Save 100+ hours of time to develop the app
  • Time > Money. Spend less than $1 per hour!
  • Build ANY app with 50+ fully coded components available
  • Launch your side-projects faster. Get ideas into action!

Product - iOS + Android apps (React Native + Expo variants)​

Fashion Ecommerce App

Grocery Ecommerce App

AtoZ Ecommerce App

launch is the coupon code to avail the launch DISCOUNT of 25% ($20)!

Creators & entrepreneurs have diverse ideas, so, this app contains-
  • 50+ fully coded high quality components (more to come)
  • 35+ modern app screens
  • Prettier code, tested across Android and iOS
  • Easy to use & intuitive User Experience
  • Field tested Design System
  • and lot more. (check out the links for detailed features)
Hope our side-project becomes our main project sometime soon. Good luck to all of you as well.

I'd appreciate any feedback or comments. We want to learn, grow & help other enthusiasts grow.

This is just the beginning, we are planning to develop more apps with more UI variations in the coming weeks.

Want to keep yourself updated on our updates and new app releases? Subscribe to our newsletter.

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