AutoIndex - Get indexed on Google fast (50% Early Adopters discount, forever)


New member
Hi everybody! I & my partner spent the last 3 weeks building a tool called AutoIndex. The problem we're solving is Google being slow/unpredictable with indexing (adding your links to the search results). AutoIndex helps you to get indexing consistently, and automatically.

How does it work

You sign in with your Google account (the one that has access to a website in the Google Search Console). You click the button to enable AutoIndex and set a daily indexing limit if needed. We do monitor changes in your sitemaps once a day and notify Google about new pages (or not indexed yet).

Discount for you

We'd love to hear your thoughts on the product, and landing and hopefully see you as one of our early users. Everybody who signs up to the waitlist before we launch gets a 50% Early Adopter discount on any plan we have, forever.

When do we launch

Right now we're testing the app on our website, it should take a couple of days at max. Also, there is a verification process from Google and Paddle is in progress right now. Everything should be wrapped up by the end of this week.

AutoIndex App
@jackbeans I feel its a great tool for website owners as it will lead to consistent indexing, addressing the issue of slow or unpredictable indexing. IF you are looking to launch, engage with communities, reach your target audience effectively. I can help you launch in 400+ communities with 80+ tools.

Feel free to reach out if you'd like more information or assistance in optimizing your launch strategy.

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