Automated Resume Builder


New member
I am working on putting together an app that uses AI and NLP to automatically put a resume together for you. As a user, you log in, fill out a questionnaire on your career goals/aspirations, what job you are applying for, and you list out your past work titles (e.g., Business Analyst, Management Consultant and Senior Director), how long you’ve had those roles, and the firms/companies you held these positions.

The program will then be able to build out the experiences section of your CV/Resume tailored to the specific job you’re applying to (e.g., if I’m applying to a role at Facebook, then my experiences will have the language, format, wording that will increase my chances of landing that role).

I have a good sense of the logistics I would need to tackle to get this idea rolling but first I was hoping to validate 1) is this viable? I’m targeting to automate and essentially digitize the role of resume writers & 2) What’s the best way to get started to find the software/people to help put together the algorithm? Any feedback will help! Thanks
@deborah2 I think it’s a good idea in theory, but I don’t think it’s that easy to automate that amount of data. Specifically the cover letter. How will your program know what wording to use for each company? There’s endless different companies. I’d imagine the grammar/wording may also sound a bit robotic. It’d need a manual review and some editing at the end. Which at that point, you might as well type it yourself with the time spent filling out all your information. You only need to make a resume once. Same with a cover letter. Then tweak them a tad bit for the job you’re applying for. I feel like that’s likely faster and more reliable.

But if you think you’ve got a way to take on the task, then go for it. Best of luck to ya

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