Automated testing and cheat sheets for SEO and Accessibility!


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The product

A11YBoost! An automated monitoring and report tool to make websites accessible to users and search engines. It's aimed at developers, designers and founders that want to easily improve the SEO and accessibility of their website, whilst learning best practices. It uses a mixture of traditional HTML parsing and constantly improving AI technology.

The market

Both SEO and Accessibility are massive markets. SEO has been a long-established pain point amongst many developers and founders. Accessibility, on the inverse is an emerging market with particular importance in the EU, Canada, USA, UK and Australia.

Product analysis / comparison against competition

Competition comes from the angle of existing accessibility and SEO solutions. Existing accessibility tools like Lighthouse and aXe have an established presence in the market. Existing SEO tools like semrush and ahrefs have an established presence in the market.

The primary intent of A11YBoost is to incentivise accessibility improvements via communication of benefits such as a SEO, Performance and Design. As such, it will never directly compete against existing SEO tools. Existing accessibility tools have a tight scope relying on WCAG or aim to replace remediation solutions.

What stage are you in?

I launched A11YBoost February 19th, under a different domain name. April 10th after validation I rebuilt the front-end in Next.js and I transferred to Since launch I have had 2.23K visitors, 700+ reports generated, 90+ verified users but zero conversion to paid users currently.

Customer conversion strategy (where do you find them, and how do you make them buy shit from you)

Very limited at this point - mostly just posting on X/Twitter and listing A11YBoost on directories.

Why you?

I am a senior accessibility specialist living with a disability. I have worked for consultancies, NFP ands large corporations to gain a large understanding of the pragmatics of accessibility - what trade-offs are required and where accessibility is an opportunity for increased revenue.

I am also an offline and online founder and am slowly building an audience and social proof via my accessibility agency

Really looking for any feedback. What value isn't clear? What value should be added? Where could I advertise or launch? Where could I begin seeking funding?

@eternalmango Seems too basic to get paid users. I think you need some differentiating features from other free services to get traction. In my mind, tools like wave and lighthouse provide more value for free.

I found an issue where the tool says that a website is missing a meta tag if the name is capitalized (e.g., "Description" instead of "description"). This is niche, but some notable websites (e.g., Apple) use this.

I think that making accessibility issues more seen is a noble task and important service, so best of luck with the project!

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