B 2 D (developer) sales-I need some tips on how to engage a broader developer community


New member
Hi everyone, I am looking for tips from fellow entrepreneurs who have founded a software company and are/working on PLG. I've done a lot of research, but I want to do something different. I had a crazy idea today-what if we decided to give away x percentage to the company, split equally amongst any developer that fits x criteria. Needing to dilute via fundraising would not be on the near horizon if we hit a certain developer velocity and traction-so why not really be a developer led company and give back? Thoughts? Any other ideas out there? I would love to hear them!!
@summerbasket Couple of thoughts:
  1. Equity means nothing if the overall value of company is nothing.
  2. If you really wants to give back then opensource and work on getting the developers engaged. Tips to gain github stars: https://blog.tooljet.com/12-ways-to-get-more-github-stars-for-your-open-source-projects/
  3. If you are solving someone's pain point then bring them onboard via advisory roles, that will give better perspective on the importance of problem you are solving. If the problem needs a 'painkiller' then you are on right track, if it's nice to have like 'vitamins' then course correct.
  4. Talking to end customers/users always helps clarify the vision.
Hope that helps.

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