B2B Workshop & Event Registration Service + Budget Management


New member
Most company allocate budget on educational development of their employees.

Workshop & events needs to be closely tracked for early bird tickets.

Events abroad which requires hotel + flight bookings

supply (events)

Companies generally not aware of new trends + events worldwide. They only stick a few of them. As a result of that, employees must pick from a very small number of choices. It's good for clustering, lets say 1/3 chosen employees registers for Event A , 1/3 B and 1/3 C. Because event D...Z not in the company's scope.


If employee demands to join a specific event for himself, which is not good for clustering, budget management can be problematic. with the help of this product;

- A..Z events available worldwide.

- Each event's maximum possible subscriber count is set (by budget manager) .

- Employee can pick multiple choices with priority

So happy employee, happy employer. :p

A couple years, hotel + flight booking management can be delegated to local agencies for each city. Then we become local agencies.

Business model

- comission from event tickets

- comission from local agencies

- saas solution for companies

What do you say?

[sup]I wrote fastly and english not my native language. I'm sorry for mistakes if any.[/sup]
If employee demands to join a specific event for himself, which is not good for clustering, budget management can be problematic. with the help of this product;

Not sure what you mean by this, I work for large company and when we want to attend a conference on our own we just talk to our manager about getting funding. If we have the funding then it's fine, if not then we have to pay our own way. The process is the same for conferences that our company actively attends each year.
@mrlutrinae Discovery also can be a value I guess. Corporate may want to allocate budget for specific topics based on their organizational strategy. Curating some subset of workshops available and want to hit a specific number of attendance. Let say at least 3 DevOps engineers should join some kubernetes workshops available within 3 months.