Best practices and examples of marketing a Custom GPT so far?


New member
What are the best examples so far of marketing a Custom GPT, or marketing a non-GPT product with a Custom GPT as a channel or magnet?

To be clear I’m not asking which custom GPTs are for marketers.

I mean either:

A) someone has a custom GPT for any use case that they want to draw attention to
B) Someone has created a free Custom GPT for the purpose of creating awareness or leads for their main business

Hoping to hear some good tactics!
@jaanney Hmm I feel like it’s the same as marketing any other type of product. You pick a target market, do research on finding out everything about them, then build the product, then take your pick of organic or cold outreach and paid ads. It’s fairly standard across marketing any product or service.
@johnnyusa59 For sure. But I was thinking more in terms of things like whether people are seeing more success from creating a landing page to describe the GPT before which then links to the GPT, or whether it is better to link straight to the GPT and let people chat and figure it out?

Also, in the scenario that someone may create a free GPT as an giveaway to drive awareness or advocacy of a different main product, are there any great techniques to refer a GPT user out to other products or content?

Is anyone building any sort of lead capture into the flow for example?

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