Beware phony Dun and Bradstreet requests from "Credibility Corporation" SCAM - is NOT the real D&B


New member
I recently received an official looking email from "Credibility Corporation" with domain, which works hard to represent itself as being Dun & Bradstreet, requesting information due to a complaint about insufficient information. In case you get one of these, it is a SCAM, an attempt at phishing for information about you and/or your company and to get you to sign up for useless services.

Something about the email made me suspicious, so I did a whois of, and compared to the whois for the real D&B at Since when did start using GoDaddy out of an office in Malibu CA? Then I used google to learn some more. And I found the info on Snopes.

Here is a good part of the email I received:

You are receiving this notification because the following activity has been noted in your D&B business credit profile.

Activity: Incomplete Business Credit Profile

Managing your business and personal credit separately can help protect you and your family from personal liability. When you put your own credit on the line for your company, you may be personally responsible for any payments your company is not able to make, which could damage your personal finances and your reputation. To update and monitor the activity in your D&B credit profile, we recommend using CreditBuilder™.

To help secure the best credit rates and terms possible, your company credit profile should be completed. Please contact a Credibility Corp. Credit Advisor today to learn how you can complete your credit profile and ensure that your company is portrayed accurately in the D&B database. You can reach a Credit Advisor by calling 1-844-600-0562, Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 9 PM EST.
@christianfaith7 Just got off the phone with a former Walmart buyer. They have "always heard there was something fishy going on" but they had never had one of their vendors complain.

We were basically told that if we paid around $8,000 to DandB that our supplier evaluation rating would be changed to keep Walmart happy. Pure and simple extortion.
@christianfaith7 This is an excellent reminder about phishing scams, and how they relate to businesses. Many people are busy watching out for their personal use, but business owners need to be aware they need to protect their business from these scams as well.

The information the scammers provided here is ironically enough actually good information to watch out for to keep your business self and personal self safe. Business owners need to cognizant of business identity theft, which is far easier to commit than personal identity theft, and which can affect their businesses harshly.

One of the best ways to keep tabs on your business identity and credit health is to monitor your business credit. My company, Creditera, does business and personal credit monitoring. It is worth noting that we do work with the REAL D&B to provide credit reports as part of our reporting package, though I do not represent or speak for them over this issue.

If you think you've been compromised, or for anyone reading that may have had a similar situation with their business, you may want to look into business credit monitoring. It's far more affordable now than ever - running just $29.99/mo. Check out details here anytime!