Blog (SEO) on autopilot. Roast my idea 🔥


New member
As a developer what I like most is to create new products, what I hate most is to do marketing about my products.

For one of my last projects I created a Blog to improve SEO on autopilot.


I created this python script that run on a server and do scraping about news and specific rss feed. When there is something new, it sends the data as a context to OpenAI API and create a new blog post written to improve the SEO of my site.

Right now I’m testing it. I will share the results in a few weeks.


What I’m thinking to do is to create a service on top of it.

It would works something like that:
1. Create an account
2. Choose the streams of source (rss feed, google alert, etc)
3. Add some customization (cta, description of your website, link)
4. I will create a custom blog for you and every time there is a new content from the data source it will publish a new post automatically
5. Using the DNS you can link your website domain to the blog page

Note: of course you can approve the articles before it is published and change it with a WYSIWYG editor.

Note 2: the article will also have a custom cover, all the meta tags and a sitemap of the articles.

Demo (sorry it is in Italian only 😢):


What do you think about it? Is something you may be interested in?

Roast this idea 🔥🙏🏻
@mishkam I hate that we’re going down the road of AI written content being all over the internet. I really really hate it.

Sure, embrace AI. I love it’s possibilities as well and have been tinkering with an app utilising it, but we really need to have some sort of moral compass. The internet is bad enough as it is with every fucking page written for google (rather than an actual person). I’d love for this to change but I don’t think I want GPT written content full of listicles and hallucinations. I’ve already seen product reviews which were absolutely factually wrong that were clearly written by GPT.

I’m honestly so sick of AI being in the title of everything. The app that I’m working on is fundamentally powered by GPT but I won’t be mentioning that anywhere near the title or copy.
@curiouschristian101 I m lazy, GPT is my business partner and help me with boring tasks… content creation for me is boring, I prefer to develop rather than write content for marketing purpose… you can solve hallucinations in different ways and you can use multiple models to fact checking the outputs!
@mishkam I’m ok with this. I also used it for producing copy for my girlfriends website. I just read your post and I’m assuming you’re having it automatically create blog posts and a person presses publish. That’s different to using gpt to help you produce the content that fits your site.