Book tracker app with a RPG & self-development focus


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Hi All,

Will here - I have been into pop culture and self-development for most of my life, and I’m looking to build a new book tracker app, and for it to be different from existing apps in the following ways:

RPG Theme

- Random book discovery is framed as Random Encounters

- Books are like allies you can recruit

-- Either partially (by progressing through the book) or fully (by finishing the book)

-- The higher your progress, and the more thoughts and quotes you link to the book, more things are unlocked

- Users can find people near them or who have the same goals, and form support groups / parties / masterminds

-- Party balance

--- Finding people with different reading patterns and expertise than yourself

- Depending on your reading history and patterns, you receive different status effects - both positive and negative

-- E.g. “Echo Chamber”

--- Condition: If your reading list becomes too one-sided towards a certain stance

--- You see relevant quotes, such as

---- "I never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that I don't know the other side's argument better than they do." --Charlie Munger

--- There are advice on how to deepen or resolve the status, including book recommendations

Self-Development Focus

- The app is goal-oriented, rather than reading for reading’s sake:

-- People can add Purposes like Career / Business / Family / Spirituality / Hobbies for their reading goals

--- There will be specific sub-categories (sub-purposes) to choose, e.g.

---- Getting over burn-out

---- Becoming a better parent

---- Stop feeling “stuck” in life

--- This can be changed at any time, and users can indicate

---- Purpose achieved

---- Purpose no longer important

---- Etc.

---- Which book/s helped them get there

-- This helps the app recommend books and users for them

-- On finishing a book, people can mark it as Helpful or Favourite for specific Purposes, and this can help inform others who choose the same Purpose

- Stats and functions are focused on self-development, e.g.

-- Radar graphs for visualising strong and lacking areas

--- Main purposes

--- Sub-purposes

--- Genres

--- Sub-genres

-- Activity-tracking for when / where you used a book’s concept or quote to help with a decision or issue

- The app aims to help people become more informed, balanced, and levelled-up, by introducing them to perspectives which they may not have considered, e.g.

-- For a school-leaver

--- Recommendations for

---- Mainstream careers, blue-collar careers, gap years, entrepreneurship, volunteering, etc.

---- Different types of lifestyles

---- Biographies of different types of achievers

-- For someone who reads too much about hedonic pursuits (e.g. food, sports, travel)

--- Recommendations for mastery, Monk Mode, philanthropy, legacy-building, etc.

-- For someone who reads only about work or their industry

--- Recommendations for different hobbies, financial freedom, spirituality, mentorship, health, etc.

Your Favourite Book Tracker Functions, In One App

- Gathers the features that people love about existing apps, into one app, e.g.

- Can add and search tags

- Can give ½ and ¼ stars for ratings

- Genre-specific rating scales

- Stats for books read - not just for current reading

- Social component

Tracking For The Perfect Time To Get The Book

- Clicking on Book Details will show you

-- Current availability at local library

-- Prices for

--- Physical

--- Digital

--- Audio

- Tracking for book availability and price, e.g. filter books by

-- “Currently available at local library”

-- “Lowest price”

-- “Recent price drop”

- Helpful for

-- Book clubs members to choose next book to vote for

-- Tie-breaker decision for next book to read

-- Saving money and time, with comparisons in a single view

Potential Source of Income

- Users can add their own affiliate information (e.g. for Amazon)

-- The links to bookstores on the app, then becomes the user’s own affiliate links

-- Can make money by pointing people to their reading lists

-- Easily copy links for multiple affiliate sources from one place


The above are just ideas for now, and can change depending on what I can build, and what people want

I don’t know if this app has legs yet, so I’m putting the idea out there first, to see if it’s worth pursuing

Please give me any feedback about this app:

- How much would you want to use this app?

- When would you use it?

- What features are you most excited about?

- What extra features would you like included?

I also made a mailing list for the idea (it’s hosted on the site for a previous idea - PastryTaxi is not the name of this app) - if you would like to keep up with news of this app idea, please join it:
@fishmansf Hi,

sry, if I missed the folliwing, but:
  • How do you make money with that?
  • How do I as a User get the books? Do I have to buy them on my own and then load them into the App? Because I doubt that you can use your kindly books
Abd on a personal note - you're not "getting over a burn out" by reading.
@ministrysongs Thanks for your comment! Here are my responses:

Revenue streams
  • Affiliate earnings
    • The app itself serves up its own affiliate links where possible, and where users haven't input their own affiliate info
  • Subscription tiers
    • For general users
      • To unlock unlimited affiliate links (in the free tier, users get to choose a certain number of books to be their own affiliate links) and detailed analytics to do with their affiliate activities
    • For authors and publishers
      • For analytics on demographic and readership data of people who are their fans, or fans of their genres - so they can write for - and market to - the right people
Getting the books
  • Users can
    • Manually track books when they
      • Search for the book
      • Are shown the book
    • Import their lists from GoodReads
Books aren't the solution, but can point to the right directions

People can't get over their problems (e.g. burnout, depression, poverty, addictions, bad habits, loneliness) by reading, but the right books can:
  • Offer some consolation that other people have gone through they issue and maybe come out the other side too
  • Give them different perspectives that gives them hope, or release them from tunnel vision
  • Show them frameworks and processes that, through iteration and perseverance, lets them solve their own issues
  • Give relevant resources, of how and where to seek relevant and professional help
  • Give them the foundational knowledge and insight to do their own further research

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