Books on Systemizing a Business


New member
I’d love to create a resource for the best books written on Systemizing a business. Here’s a few to start. Post more suggestions and I’ll edit this post into a compendium of the best. Apologies if links direct to different countries’ amazons!

Edit: Added a few new ones from the sweetprocess blog .

@ericanicolee thank you for posting this. I've been wondering recently if books on this topic exist. I'm happy to know they do and someone took the time to compile them in here.


@doejy Depends on your place. I work a lot in management so ones I really gravitate to are:
  • Good to Great
  • Five Dysfunctions of a Team // Death by Meeting
  • The Invisible Employee
  • It's the Manager
General business books with solid principles are:
  • The Lean Startup
  • The Founder's Dilemma
  • How to Win Friends & Influence People
  • How to Say Anything to Anyone
  • Passing the Mom Test
I typically like books that are fairly practically driven and easy to apply. I'm not so into mindset books but I see Rich Dad Poor Dad and Think & Grow Rich mentioned a lot too.
@613jono I just saw @damonous comment that Traction apparently goes into proper documenting, in addition From Stress to Success even has uploaded documents that are used in his company.

Have you read The E-Myth? It gives an excellent example from a hotel.

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