Bootstrapping to €600k MRR and getting killed by Shopify. The story of Checkout X


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Historically, Shopify has always had a checkout problem.

You were always able to customize your storefront UX until the checkout, but after you click checkout, you were locked into an old-school multi-step checkout with no flexibility whatsoever.

Shopify finally introduced a one-page checkout

5 years after Checkout X first launched, Shopify is finally stepping up its checkout game and offers:
  • One-page checkout with a minimal number of fields (soon-ish*)
  • Address autofill
  • Customizable sections
  • Post-purchase capabilities
Sure, their one-page checkout is only available for Shopify Plus merchants, and their post-purchase upsells only work with credit cards and PayPal (when they work; their API is buggy AF), but let's say they've almost managed to catch up.

5 years ago, I bootstrapped Checkout X, which did all of the following:
  • One-page Shopify checkout with post-purchase upsells.
  • It grew to 6,000 active merchants.
  • It generated €600k in monthly recurring revenue.
  • It processed millions of transactions every year.
However, Shopify killed it - just because merchants were choosing our solution over theirs.

As I move on to new adventures and Shopify seems to be taking their checkout seriously now, it's a good time to share the full story of Checkout X:

Feel free to AMA regarding the journey ✌️

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