Build a company you can run for the rest of your life


New member
First, I realize this is controversial. šŸ¤Ø

Iā€™ve been building a company for the last 4 years that I intend to run for the rest of my life. All decisions I have made in the company were made with the extreme long-term in mind. No short term decisions, ever. My company reached $100K+ ARR this year and likely will be 5x that by next year.

I have launched a number of side projects and business in the past 20 years. Some alone, some with a partner, some with a troop of partners. Some worked out, some flopped early, some created okay side income for a while.

Iā€™ve also been an employee of a startup that received venture capital investment and that was eventually sold to private equity and then sold yet again. Maybe this explains why I am so forthright on skipping all of that and just deciding to build a company I can run for the rest of my life.

I have witnessed the exact benefits, consequences, changes, and impacts some of the largest PE companies in the US have on a thriving company. Some good things. Some bad things. I see both sides šŸ‘Øā€āš–ļø But ultimately, this experience gave me confidence that I donā€™t need large investors to create something very valuable.

The downside to creating a lifetime business is that it takes longer to get off the ground and may be more risky since you have to leverage all of your time into a single undiversified company (at least to start) over a number of years.

Some reasons people DONT create a lifetime business in my opinion is because:
- they donā€™t have the knowledge to continue to scale forever whether it be in the existing industry they are in or launching into adjacent industries
- they need investment because the market tech risk is too competitive to go slow
- VC investors just did too good of a job selling their services for a piece of the pie
- the founder wants to be able to exit a business to minimize or at least equalize some risk so that they can walk out of the door with at least some money
- or they simply donā€™t want to run a business indefinitely.

Iā€™ve made these decisions and realizations:
  • Slow is fine since pivoting is always an option and I have had to do this several times over the last few years
  • I donā€™t want cofounders or partners for the rest of my life, so if I am building a company for the rest of my life, then Iā€™ll go at it alone.
  • If I donā€™t have to split profits with anyone and I have extremely low overhead, itā€™s literally not possible to compete with me. Especially if nearly everything is automated. Thereā€™s no incentive for others to compete because I could essentially accept the lowest margin of any competitor. I realize this may sound arrogant, but in this niche industry I am (currently) in, I am an expert.
  • Since Iā€™m building for life, I donā€™t cut any corners or incur any tech debt. This creates a VERY strong foundation for the company. Not only do I not incur tech debt, but I donā€™t incur financial debt either. No debt, no investors.
To be fair, I think it takes a certain type of extreme introversion and expert insight into a niche for this work, but overall I am so happy in the decisions Iā€™ve made so far. As the company scales, I do plan to diversify into adjacent niches to build a more defensible lifetime business.

Isnā€™t this just a ā€œlifestyleā€ business, you ask šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø? Of course šŸ–ļø, but I believe the longevity of this lifetime lifestyle business Iā€™m building will outcompete any other business in this industry in the long-term and future adjacent industries/niches as I expand outward. Especially with a singular focus on the extreme long-term.

Something I like to ponder is how would the lives of clients and employees be improved if this was the case in every business today? If every business, service, and product was built for the long-term only instead of short-term ā€œhitting quarterly goalsā€ type of thinking. I firmly believe the world would be a better place with more long-term thinking. šŸ«”

Someone could offer me $100 million šŸ’° tomorrow for my company and I honestly wouldnā€™t sell it. Iā€™m building for the fun of it and Iā€™m setting every single process along the way up in a way that ensures it always stays fun.

Building for the long-term really fires me up, if you couldnā€™t tell. šŸ”„

Anyone else doing this? Building a company with the intention of running it forever with 0 intent to ever sell? šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļøā‰ļø Iā€™m doing it alone, but it could but done with cofounders too, if all are on the same page.
@manga006 Warren Buffet essentially set up his company in a way that he could manage it forever. He had investors and a partner, but I agree that in todayā€™s world someone could do this single-handedly.
@manga006 Iā€™m also in love with this idea. I enjoy writing software, and more broadly, incrementally improving rather than chasing a new shiny trend. Iā€™m about a year in building a personal finance tracker that Iā€™ve both enjoyed building and using, but realistic that this is a hobby rather than a business because there are so many options in the space. Iā€™d like to be able to build something that people really love. It doesnā€™t have to be a household name, but the people who use it get a ton of joy from it. Ideally something I can pass forward and continue to be useful even after Iā€™m dead.

Donā€™t care about fame or money, I just want to make things that people care about with people I enjoy working with. (Currently solo, open to working with others but get that I need to pay them so they can eat)
@queenmommy In a world where multiple people have the same skill and drive, the one with the best intentions will win. And I think you have a great shot at making that happen. Thanks for sharing šŸ™
@queenmommy Get the reasoning but importing a csv each time is more work than most people are willing to put forth.

Really neat tool though. If you connected to payment services and rebranded I bet this could gain market share, especially rn
@queenmommy For what itā€™s worth, Iā€™d pay if it had savings, investments, debt and net worth tracking. Iā€™m savvy enough to plugin my own api key and like that option. Just think charging and reducing friction are the path to success ā€” but know itā€™s just a lifetime project you enjoy so perhaps thatā€™s not the goal

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