Building 7 Figure Instagram Agency [FROM SCRATCH] - 2,5 million shoutout


New member
Hey, Folks:),

This is the 3rd post of documenting us building a 7 figure Instagram agency creation.

Original post -
Day 11 - We ran our first shoutout group yesterday
Goal#1 - 10k Instagram followers, so we would have proof of our experience and would be able to start emailing potential clients.

Current Instagram followers: 449/10,000

So we order 6 shoutouts that all accounts added to 2,5 million people audience. The price was $85 for all and we managed to get 413 new followers, so the cost of 1 follower was - $0.20 cent. Not so bad, not so bad.

As our goal is to reach first 10k Instagram followers before starting emailing potential clients if we would do only shoutouts it would cost us around $2000 to reach 10k. But I think we will start snowballing and the $1000 budget will be enough to get to our goal.

Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will be launching other shoutouts, so really curious to see what results we will get. Hopefully, we can drive down the follower cost to $0.05 cents and buy a ton of them.

As always, if you want to get more details and daily updates, this is the channel you should follow:)

Thank You for your time, feel free to ask questions, will be glad to answer them.


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