"Building in private" for 9 months: all the numbers


New member
I built in private for 9 months.

Got the following stats I can share (pics for proof in links):
As of this week, we launched - but I didn't yet send any announcement email. Let's see how all these marketing efforts will pay off.

Context: my brother and I are the 2 co-founders. We're not technical. We pay for technical development, so with all that time on our hands, we tried doing our best when it comes to building distribution/marketing.
@clmorgan So are you writing a blog or something? At least put some google adsense on it.

If this is a SaaS (because, you know, r/SaaS subreddit) how many non-paying users do you have? Which core features do they use the most? What are the non-core features that many people are using?

I think you should monetize something in your product, there’s no way you have that much traffic and 0 revenue.
Wow, are you an SEO expert?

Wouldn't really call myself that, but out of all things, I like distribution building the most. If there's something I want to max out in terms of skills, as a founder, it's that

BTW, how did you manage to generate as many pages?

Manual work tbh. No AI. Just day in day out creating pages, between myself and my brother (co-founder)

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