Building my $50,000/Month SaaS in Public


New member
As of this week, I'm starting a new vlog, documenting my journey in building and scaling multiple SaaS products. In this first edition, I'll talk about those projects and share the revenue numbers.

@ndemo Cool. What I'm finding, is there seems to be a big resource gap in how to take a blank DO droplet (for example) and get everything all jiggered together to a functional working website/saas/etc. It's great hearing about everyones MRR, but for someone pretty green, how the hell do we get to the point of launching?
@joanj23 I'm a devops engineer/consultant, the short answer is "how to install apache2 on Linux". Replace apache2 with literally any tech and you'll probably find guides. The long answer(accounting for all the components and tying them together) is long and complicated.
@dkayeb Yeah I don’t even bother with DO droplets or containerization right now. I just use managed services in Azure and so simple CI CD with GitHub actions. It’s not “cool and sexy” per se, but it’s simple, automates a bunch of crap for me, and lets me work on my actual product.

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