Building tools/utilities for curious minds on internet


New member
Meeting curious minds on internet, and learning from them has to be the best thing that could happen to anyone, so much content and so much information out there. Attention , distraction, goes hand in hand in the present age.

Learning from the best or atleast someone who is atleast 2 steps ahead of you, on the internet has to be a constant activity. Allowing ourselves to follow certain paths, that can make independent creators a good few bucks, provide useful tools/utilities to users of internet.

With this advent we have been working on few tools, and would love to hear back from the community, as to how we can approach garner few users. - helps in enabling meaningful discussion in regard to a book or a podcast, the intent of this tool is to make it more interesting to learn about a topic, and keep adding the "sifteos" (
) to build a fantastic thread on topic in bite sized manner. Got to make it better for the creators out there to use this as a interesting tool to share their learnings from book/pod . - personal log book for the places you visit, but with a twist, where you could create a treasure hunt kind of scenario, help your known connects/friends to explore the area as you did. You could be the best explorer in your group and now you have a way to share info and monetise.

There are other tools in pipeline - .

Internet always has been a place to learn better information. and build better utilities.

Looking forward to meet interesting individuals.

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