- Start of my Indie Dev journey !


New member
Hey, I've been around the Indie Dev community for a while following the big names on twitter and other social media platforms, and always loved the idea of creating simple, minimalistic products that just get the job done.

First one I decided to build is, which is a solution to a problem that I encountered in the past. When creating a CV, I bumped into a lot of websites that required a number of steps, credit card numbers...etc. before actually getting the job done. Some of them even make you fill the form, and ask for payment just before generating a pdf! (terrible user experience). That's why I started to build this simple and free CV builder. It is currently in public beta as it only supports one very simple template. On the other hand, it gets the job done...quickly, unlike some of the other tools I've used before :)

Works on both PC and mobile phones.

I'll appreciate any feedback.

Build Your CV
@eklisiarh I’m planning to focus primarily on building my freelance business in the UK, therefore, for the time being the main benefit of this will be the traffic and referrals to my business website. If I can get a couple gigs from this - good enough for me. In the future, there might be ads, or a very small fee indicated at the beginning of the building process.
being the main benefit of this will be the traffic and referrals to my business website. If I can get a couple gigs from this - good enough for me. In the future, there might be ads

Fair enough, it might just be a product/tool then :)
@joyung Is your business related to job-hunting?

There might be a site you might want to take a look at: Their monetization is for their clients [companies] to pay them after a successful hire. Would that be applicable to your startup?
Would be neat if you could click something to fill in placeholder data, to demo it.

Good idea! Adding it to the list. Easy one so you might see it there even until the end of today haha! Honestly the template is currently very basic, only HTML markup used, but this is supposed be an MVP. Definitely going to add at least a couple nice templates (might be a way to monetise the product).
@joyung Seems legit. I would try to add api calls to job search engines so as you build your CV you can ping the market. Your revenue may be in getting HR companies to list on your site.