Built a GPT wrapper again


New member
Hey folks,

I launched my 3rd GPT wrapper today. It’s a web app that converts text to high-quality audio in just a few clicks. Here are the main features of the app:

✅ Support for 16 languages

✅ 6 natural-sounding voice options

✅ 3 audio output formats

✅ Text input up to 100,000 characters.

It costs only $10 to convert 100, 000 characters to audio.

Check out and let me know what you think:

@tjm1978dec This is nice.

Can I ask what is the stack you are using for this ?

I've always thought that expenses for GPUs far outperform income in the beginning and you have to have a large budget to burn until it breaks even.

(Also Greek sound a bit funny, maybe except "Alloy" and "Nova" to some extend)
@homeby5 Hey, here is the tech stack:
  1. Next.js
  2. Authentication: NextAuth
  3. UI: Shadcn
  4. Storage: AWS S3
  5. Email: AWS SES
  6. long running tasks: AWS EXS Fargate
  7. TTS API: OpenAI
The OpenAI TTS voices are optimised for English. So for other languages, all 6 options might not be suitable though. So you will have to listen to voices and pick one.

Hope this answers your question.
@sherzei Thank you. When you say, page footer is a bit off…are you talking about it’s alignment? Can you please share a screenshot. Regarding marketing…I will be adding a blog soon and write a few blog posts. Besides that, I will have to think about what can I do. The target audience is anybody who is looking to convert text to audio - may be they are trying to create audio books or have their blogs in audio format as well…

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