Built an Intro Video using Canva - Feedback Please


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SaaS Builders & Marketers,

I built a product intro video using Canva. Took me a couple of hours. I like what pump.co did with their intro video. So, followed a similar format.

Please view the video once (just 54 seconds) and share your feedback. Happy to take you through how I built it.

Video -

Wesbite - www.lyzr.ai

DM me for the original canva file. You can modify it for your product/startup intro.

@hodor This is pretty cool for your first project. I have poor design sense for myself, but I think the fonts could be improved.

Are you trying you learn video editing, or you're into something else?
@przemek Since we keep experimenting on the messaging part, I didn’t want to pay a vendor to create a product intro video. So tried my hand at creating one using Canva.
I just added the YouTube frame to my mobile site. Have hotjar and GA enabled. No other specific conversion trackers. Should I look at loom?

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