Built my first GPT - Startup Name Generator - Feedback on my experience


New member
I recently ventured into creating my first GPT tool on OpenAI, specifically designed to help founders brainstorm startup names. You can check it out here: Startup Name Generator.

The process? It's straightforward. OpenAI's builder is pretty user-friendly and doesn't require a tech wizard to navigate. That said, the journey wasn't without its hiccups.

One downside was the Dall-E generated icon for the GPT – it was really bad, so I had to create my own. This project was in my pipeline even before GPTs became a thing, born out of my routine interactions with founders in need of catchy names.

A curious discovery was that my tried-and-tested instructions for GPT-4 didn't quite work out for this GPT creation. It felt like only half of my instructions were understood. A notable drawback is the lack of a history for the GPT Builder. If your browser refreshes or the app crashes, you can't access what you sent previously. So, a word of advice – keep a backup of all your instructions/steps.

The key to fine-tuning the GPT's behaviour lies in the "Configure" tab, at the "Instructions" section. Editing here seems to make the most difference and allowed me to get exactly what I wanted. Be aware, though, that you're working with a tight character limit, which can be challenging but also forces you to be concise.

Overall, it took about 20 minutes to create something I was satisfied with. It's not perfect, but it's a start. I'd really appreciate it if you could try it out and share your feedback. I'm committed to improving it and keeping it free for the community.

The link: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-evJ22Dnnp-startup-name-generator

@monk58 I am excited by these agents for private use. I think there is a great opportunity to basically have a whole heap of different “custom instructions”, for example create one for each of your products personas, and then “discuss” product ideas with them.