Burn me


New member
I want to propose a challenge. I'll explain what my startup does and if you can't think of and list 3 actionable roasts, you have to give it a shot!

Pinglr is a self-learning tool made mainly for newbie entrepreneurs at the moment and helps people learn more in less time by curating content from the internet, filtering, and sorting it into courses that are divided into days. The links of each day are delivered through friendly/motivational emails to the user. ( there is a how it works graphic on the website)

Check it out: learnwithpinglr.com

If you can think of 3 actionable roasts, comment them. If not sign up for a course that interested or tell me to f off haha
@sigginerin Heya! I've seen you on a few different subs, but this was the first post I had seen so I'm coming back here to respond.

I'd personally love something like a "How it Works" page that explains how the content is found/curated. What makes something a full course rather than just a collection of resources?

This seems like something I might try, as I like learning independently. But there's not enough information on the site for me to trust the product and want to download it.

Also, the daily emails are a total turn-off for me. My inbox is cluttered enough as is. And a big draw for online learning for me is that it's self-paced. I don't want to be nagged to keep working on something.