Business Hacks


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  1. Show up when you’re supposed to.
  2. Call people back when you say you’re going to.
  3. If you tell someone you’re going to do something then do it. If you can’t do it, call them and let them know so they aren’t just left feeling ghosted.
If you can do this then you’re worlds ahead of much of your competition.

I built a house and 2/3 of the contractors never show when they say and never call you back when they say they will.

Good luck!
@keithharris This usually happens when an industry ends up having too much demand for it's own good. The simple fact that they have the luxury of not showing up to work speaks for itself...
@keithharris Couldn’t agree more, these 3 things are why I’m successful in business and as a human. It’s essentially the golden rule, treat people the way you would want to be treated. It seems like everyone else forgets