Business owners, where to park some cash?

Hi. I made a list of online savings account of Digital banks where you can put your money to earn high interest especially if hindi mo need gamitin if the next few months.

Digital banks interest rates:

DiskarTech - 6.5%

CIMB GSave - 5% - 15%

CIMB UpSave - 5% - 15%

OwnBank - 6%

GoTyme - 5%

BPI Banko Todo Savings - 5%

Seabank - 4.5%

Tonik - 4% - 4.5%

Netbank Mobile - 4%

Maya Personal Goals - 4%

Maya Savings - 3.5% - 14%

UNOready by UNO Bank - 3.5% - 6%

Union Digital - 3% - 4%

Komo - 2.5%

For their features check


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