Businessidea : "Men, you want more dates? let me help"


New member
Testing this business idea here to get some feedback.

I am hobby photographer, especially good at taking photos of Men. I can completely turn a normal guy upside down with my photos, from being a "nobody" to a guy a women would think "wait hold up.. who is this guy?!".

well.. let me just say,.. I've done this for 6-7 friends now.. they all went from zero to one tinder swipes to getting matches constantly. Those images changed their game of getting noticed. I was so amazed by the difference, that I thought men really could need help in this area. I have other guys asking me to help them as well, So thought this could be an business idea instead of doing it for free.

Lets face it. Women do judge based of pictures, that is reality. (just as men do) but women get a ton of approaches.. and if you dont stand out.. you will get swiped out. Facts). Women already have model-photos everywhere, why shouldn't an ordinary bloke show his best sides, his hobbies, his friends, what he has fun doing etc.

The problem is, men absolutely suck with portraying their best sides with photos. It's either the selfie gym pics or standing by a flashy car or a bland selfie with an iphone. these kind of images have low odds of working. Too cheasy and not enticing in any way for women to want to know such person. Please note these issues don't apply for handsome men. But for the normal guys, better pictures makes a ton of difference.

so, my idea is basically ; I want to help men with photos that make them stand out, so they can get noticed and get more dates on social sites.

I want to portray the men at their very best, catching their smiles and laughs and let people see them with joy. I know how to do exactly this. I specialise in portraits with natural light and really good at finding locations that fits the guys personality.

Target : Men from 25+

Getting customers: mouth to mouth, via tinder, marketing via fb-ig, having girls write to guys and direct to me.

Price: ; $200 for a basic set of 5-6 edited images + more if need to change location or add girls into the pictures.

Process: you sign up for a skype meeting on the site. We have a chat and I find out who you are and what you like.

We meet up and I shoot pics of you in different scenarios. I select the ones I like, edit them and deliver results.

Here is an example of the quality of image I'd deliver : . (this is not my picture, all rights reserved to christian negroni).

Great image of showing a hobby, they man having fun and enjoying himself. This is the kind of images that makes odds of getting swipes and responses increase very much.

or closeup images like ; . (rights reserverd to Ramón Espelt)

(no reason to post my own images for now and yes these guys look good etc. But I have skills to make similar for normal looking guys). Naturally I cant guarantee if they will get dates, that is based on many factors such as how they write etc. But I can definitely help 10x fold their swipes with better images.

What do you think of the idea?

As a man from 25+, Would you be interested in such service?

Would you pay $200+ if you could see the before/after results of other guys results?

I look forward for constructive criticism or any advice.
@smalltowngal Of course he can "clone" himself. There are thousands of photographers all over the world looking for work. All he needs to do is to make a platform selling this service and some guidelines for the photographers he will hire all over the world. It is a good idea to test the idea first though and see if it works as a single person business (MVP).
@smalltowngal This. It’s a good niche of the industry and could work in an area that has a lot of eligible bachelors, but it is nowhere near a startup.

That said, I like that you are targeting a specific demo for photography.

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