byline a vim tailwind CSS editor


New member
I've reached that point in this little passion project where I could use some feedback. I'm a long time vim user and a recent student of the tailwind css system. I wanted a few things:
  1. Never have to close a tag or type the word "class" or quotes.
  2. See an instant preview of what the rendered HTML looks like on screen.
  3. Use normal vim commands to make small edits.
  4. Get a popup menu with common tailwind classes to add as you type.
  5. Be able to "zoom in" to a child node and make it temporarily the root node. (Hit Enter for this feature, and up arrow to get back to normal parent node.)
I have it running here:

Video demo here:

All open source MIT license:

You might think a lot of javascript/typescript went into this project but oh-no! This is all golang wasm (web assembly). Feedback most welcome on what features should be added next OR go ahead and tell me this is all just a bad idea for reasons x y and z. Please and thank you.