Can Artificial Intelligence say the N-word?


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I am a Machine Learning enthusiast and working on my "Jarvis".

I have a black skin friend (no offense). Let's call him Boateng. I am white.

Boateng is my close friend. He also loves Machine Learning. Yesterday, we discussed my home project. "Jarvis" is a very formal AI. It doesn't know slangs, etc.

Boateng said to me "Bro, let your AI use the N-word." When I asked why he said it's ok since AI can't be a racist and said "Your AI has my N-word pass. Don't worry".

I am not still sure about this idea. Let's discuss it.
@kct29 N-word pass is BS. I'm not of African origin but imo only HUMANS of African origin (aka black people) can say the N-word. If "AI can't be racist", Microsoft wouldn't have taken down their Twitter AI bot that was being racist.

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