Can you roast tf out my site thx :)


New member
Hey There guys, so i had an idea an before i fully commit to the idea. I made a simple landing page, would you guys be willing to roast it and tell my why and where its bad. Also to kill 2 birds with one stone would you guys use my SaaS? Its a CRM on steroids basically, i built it because i could'nt get customers on my last app :(. If you find good things also lmk because i also want to hear good things.

Sneak peek at some of the pages, wait its not letting me put pics here a word doc with some of them https://miamidadeschools-my.sharepo...qL9wBvOiQ6lf_VUzGAvdk0GAc2w?rtime=tXDE8qI83Eg

So In Conclusion:
  • Roast It
  • Lmk if youd use it
  • Tell me what you liked abt it
  • Idk add more stuff ig
@c123 Roast: it’s an overly simplistic website that’s not responsive and the colour palette screams early 2000s at me. Also is this anything more than another collection of AI/GPT wrappers? Can’t see anything in your images either.

Would I use: no

What I liked: that you’ve taken action on an idea that you had, and have asked for feedback

Nothing more to add except keep going. Try harder to come up with ideas and test them by asking more specific questions that show you really understand your product and its target audiences.

Edit: typo
@nbooi Yea the buttons aren’t functional on purpose the only functioning page is the landing page sorry for the confusion. So the idea isn’t good? Thanks for your feedback!
@c123 It all depends on execution I think. For the moment, all I can see is a collection of utilities that leverage AI. I could basically find a free model for each of those things and not have to pay. At best, what you offer is the convenience of having curated them in a single place.

If your tool is heavily involved with the CRM aspect of SME businesses; if it has in-built competitor analysis tools and feedback; if it creates content based on demonstrably predictable metrics, and shows how its value is positively affecting the growth of the business, then that’s worth paying for.
@nbooi Okay yeah makes sense I’ll try to see if it’s worth it to add those features on or not. Tysm for the help and feedback I really needed it🙏🙏
@613jono Oh yea I know that it’s really bad but it’s just a super super basic version with j some info for people to see it, it was also an application that’s targeted for windows/mac but sorry for the inconvenience.