Captcha for Age Verification, verifying someone age range without ID-ing online

The title is the product,

The same way sites use captcha for bot detection following that same philosophy to "determine" ones age. The idea spawned from the lack of actual protection "are you over 18, click here" has. The way I envision is it, is taking a lot of the metadata of a user, ie location, device, etc, and then asking them 2-3 questions to "generate a quiz". also works in reverse of blocking kids from adult sites and blocking adults from kid spaces. The end user will be gambling, adult sites, but ideally based on user usage other use cases will be generated.

The product:

Captcha like age verification

- Asks user 2-3 questions -> generates a quiz/test -> returns a confidence rating if a user in an explicit age range( the can use that rating to block access or parts of the site. With an error margin of 10-20%
@banished_child_of_eve This seems like a fun and interesting technical challenge to work on.

Though before doing even an iota more thought: first check whether there is a market for this.

Do your target companies even want this (enough to pay for it)? How do you think you can prove this thing?

In a past role, for example, we hated the age consent thing. It was a silly point of friction and our analytics showed that it caused drop off, even for customers who totally looked way over age. It was a check-the-box compliance thing (so lawyers could show we tried).

When it came time to convert and make an account, that’s when the the real verification happened. For KYC verification we cared a LOT more that you weren’t on watch lists (hired a separate vendor for that). The age verification that happened in that flow was less than 5 lines of code that similarly just proved that we were “good enough” at making sure that user criteria was met.
@banished_child_of_eve Leisure Suit Larry and the land of the lounge lizards video game did this 30 years ago. Problem was it offered unlimited attempts — rate limited only by how long it took the game to load on an IBM 286 with 8 MB of RAM.