Challenges and opportunities that young and student entrepreneurs face


New member
Hello! I wanted to know more about the challenges and opportunities that young and student entrepreneurs face.

Would love your inputs if you have experience in this domain:
  1. What are some of the biggest challenges you faced when starting your business as a student or young entrepreneur? (Lack of emotional/family support, lack of experience etc.)
  2. What resources or support did you find most helpful when starting your business? (e.g. mentorship, funding, networking opportunities, educational resources, etc.)
  3. What resources or support do you wish you had access to when starting your business?
  4. In your experience, what are some of the most pressing needs for young or student entrepreneurs, and how could these needs be better addressed?
  1. As a student and being in a student environment, finding serious people can be a challenge. I don't just mean founders, this applies to programs and anything that is a "student opportunity". Think & take action bigger than your student environment. There can be great resources, just be mindful of where your time is going. This also applies to all accelerators, especially those that don't write cheques but give many assignments.
  2. Internet + books. YC startup school & YT videos, the SlideBean YT channel by Caya, Venture Deals. The mom test. Also taking every chance to speak with (listen) to people who are smarter than me.
I need to think about the other 2 a bit more :)
@tracey76 Not fully started yet just thought id add anyway.
  1. finding people who actually want to take part and not just say it but do it. Finding a programmer when you're on the business side.
  2. YC resources tbh
  3. idk
  4. people taking a chance, not wasting my fucking time with excessive market research and market validation. Also changing education from learning why things are done in a particular way, to learning how to actually do the fucking thing.

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