ChatGPT for your data wharehouse


New member
Hey everyone!

We spent a year working on an assistant that lives on top of your data warehouse and can answer questions about the data inside.

You just connect your database and then ask the bot anything you want. The AI can write and execute SQL queries for you, draw charts and suggest what to do with the findings.

Moreover, we created a way to transfer your existing queries into it, so the model can learn about how you define different business metrics and use them as examples to answer future questions more accurately.

We tested our model on global benchmarks and hit 85% accuracy for answers without any examples provided and 98% for answers with examples.

Security wise we only use table and column names and also the relationships between tables. Your data stays on your servers all the time. You can also swap the OpenAI model with a self-hosted Llama-3 if you want.

Right now, we are looking for feedback and potentially early adopters, is anyone here interested in trying it out?

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