Climate Tech for Hospitals and Suppliers || Ecomedic


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Healthcare industry emits more emissions than the aviation (2x) /shipping/ automotive (!.5x) industry. In order for healthcare to reduce emissions, the industry needs a pronged approach a) sustainable solutions b) financial viability of the sustainable solutions and c) health equity - everyone has a fair chance to get equal health treatment. The first step is to measure emissions and identify hotspots. Existing solutions measure emissions by multiplying cost with an emission factor. This doesn't work for healthcare emissions as this would mean rising emissions with rising costs/ inflation. The healthcare industry employs a bottoms-up methodology called Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). This requires charting the entire journey of the product from raw material to production and end-phase. This requires churning out massive amount of data associated with products and services linked to treatments in the hospitals. Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) can take 6-8 months with 75% of the time spent on data collection. The healthcare industry needs to conduct Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) for millions of products and services making LCAs unscalable, and risking the net zero target in 2045. Ecomedic AI has developed a prototype that helps in conducting LCAs within a few hours. The technology has been made possible due to the recent advancements of Large Language Models (LLMs). Ecomedic is developing its own dataset combined with state-of-the-art LLMs to create a workflow that will aims to benefit hospitals and medical suppliers.

App link:

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I would love to get a feedback if this is something of interest to you.

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