Coffee Code Club - A Free Resume Builder

The product (what is it, use case, who would want it)​

This is a free resume builder. Users are those who'd like to create a resume online and download a PDF file.

The market (size, competition, dynamics that we should be aware of)​

The size of the market is endless in theory. In practice - as big as I put effort into the marketing.

Product analysis / comparison against competition​

A user can create multiple profiles, generate and download a resume for each.

Why would someone need it? As a software developer, I may apply for slightly different positions therefore, the resumes will be different too.

Other features:
  • creating a resume (a saving it, but only one!) without a registration
  • easy resume builder (drag-n-drop employer and education sections, custom sections)
  • slick and simple resume template (so far, only one)

What stage are you in? Do you need money? Are you raising?​

I just launched it a couple of days. It still may have bugs. I'm not raising. But I have some thoughts on the monetizations (and would be happy to hear your ideas).

Customer conversion strategy (where do you find them, and how do you make them buy shit from you)​

I'm going to post everywhere on social networks, in catalogs, in any possible resources.

Why you? Whose your daddy and what does he do?!? err, wait. never mind. I mean, why are YOU the best person for this job? (experience? good team? rich daddy who can't bring himself to pull the plug? what?)​

I'm a software developer with 17 years of experience.

I started working as an SD pretty long ago and I wasn't young at all. I worked in small (with just 3 devs) and big companies (Microsoft) and medium ones between. I created and sent hundreds of resumes so I have some idea how it works.

I want to create a product that everyone who ever applied for a job, could use. This is my dream.

Thanks for your attention.

This is the link where you can try Coffee Code:

My heat-proof faceguard is on.
@happychristian738 Congrats on your lauching :)


Isn't it what LinkedIn is for? Create your online resume? Sites like InfoJobs and Indeed already have their own resume builder as well.

I'm a dev too and don't see myself paying for building resumes when I can find free MS Word resume templates where I only edit my personal data and save it. How would you tackle monetization? Ads?
@thecross3 Thanks!

Unfortunately, most HRs don't share your optimism. I saw many times opinions like "When I asked him to send me his resume, he sent me his LinkedIn link. This guy doesn't understand that LinkedIn profile and resume are different things."

I'm a dev too and don't see myself paying for building resumes

Me too! That's why it's free. And I'm not going to charge people for building the resume, I think it's anti-humanity. I have several ideas for monetization, including showing relevant ads but one of them is to turn the resume-builder into a profile database and allow HRs and companies to look for candidates (of course for only those who give the consent). What do you think, is it doable?
@happychristian738 Do you want to turn this project into an actual company that raises funding, hires the best devs, spends big dollars on marketing etc? Do you see this idea as your full-time job for the next 5 years? If not, I don't think you should bet on the HR marketplace, it's a very competitive space and you need a unique distinctive differential besides building resumes and matching companies with employees.

If you want as a side project, ads are the path to monetization, but I think you'll spend more on hosting, domain, SEO, development time, fixing bugs than making money through ads.

Your best bet would be making all free (no ads, no fees), gaining a large user base that likes your service, perfecting the software, then selling to a big company for a large sum.

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