Coffee-shop using my QR-code platform as an ad delivery system


New member
Recently a coffee-shop approached me with a request for my side project Novu.Link - they want to put a QR code on their to-go cups that, when scanned, shows/redirects to a local business in their area.

The local businesses are paying this coffee-shop to advertise on their cups at a specific time, and the coffee-shop sets up rules to redirect to the correct ad based on what time their customers scan the cups. As an added incentive, they added a feature where every 100 scans, a user gets a free cup of coffee. Basically, they use 1 printed QR code on their cups and sell around 5 ad-spaces per day (for different businesses).

I thought it was a super creative way to use my side-project and thought I'd share :)!
@tnf_13 Interesting idea. I've worked something with QR few years back, redirects based on user location in the city (local businesses promotion, google geolocation api) but never thought of time-based redirects.

On your site, why so cheap? 3 euros monthly? Even 10x seems cheap.
@sinan Its indeed 3 EUR per month per link - this is just below the competitors pricing so I can compete with them and get my product out there. It’s billed annually because otherwise the payment processor fees would kill me :/

I’d be happy to guide you if you wanna try it :)