"Community Platforms: Can They Secure Funding in Today's Market?"

Hi everyone,

How likely do you think it is for community platforms to receive investment at this time, as compared to generative AI startups (e.g., "API call to chatgpt")?

I recently had a discussion with YC founders and they expressed that it's highly unlikely for a community platform to receive funding due to the strong competition from established platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit..
@perplexedathiest People are still using FB?? While all these exists, stuff keep coming up …… Signal, WhatsApp, Discord, Snapchat, TikTok, now Mastodon, BlueSky … all of them are used… so it is hard to say …
@psalm9one You're right...

In my case i am building a stock market community platform and based on the reaction of other YC founders it is highly unlikely that i will get an interview. So i was just wondering if community platforms in general are oversatured or not.

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@truthislight It was a feature for other products, not a product in itself, and it didn't necessarily create its own creator class, it just piggy backed off the Twitter graph (ie the type of creator who is successful on Twitter is not necessarily the same as IG or TikTok... but Clubhouse was mostly just successful Twitter creators). Plus real time shit is incredibly hard to pull off (Twitch being the real only success story there) as it's hard to have consistently great content all the time... Which Clubhouse almost never did.
@ejohnson True. All good points.

I personally opened an account with Clubhouse but haven't yet used it. I thought I was more of an isolated case as I didn't fully understand how it worked and didn't find it as interesting (though that could be because I didn't understand it well), but now it seems that is not the case.
@psalm9one They're around 1.9b DAUs, so yes haha. I'm pretty sure it's basically the internet to a lot of not the US (western Europe might also be excluded from this). Seems like IG is around 1.4b DAUs. Can't find DAUs for WhatsApp but it seems to be over 2b MAUs.
@perplexedathiest My uneducated opinion is that if you built something people wanted to use then you would be fine. Funding would be tough without traction though even if you check the other boxes.

As a counterpoint, BeReal was founded in 2020

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