Created a marketplace for Next.Js Developers


New member
Hey Everyone, I have created this marketplace Envokelements for next.js developers. I built this for myself but then decided to share it with everyone.

Why did I decide to build this?

So I do freelance work and every other day I need to build a landing page from scratch I created this to help me build landing pages fast for now but planning to add more blocks like pages and layout components but that's the plan for the upcoming days.

There are a variety of components you can use to build landing pages really fast, like It takes me around 20 minutes to build a complete landing page now.

What's the special part?

Now I know there's like many UI components libraries already, what's so special about it? So the idea was to build these modern designed components and the best part is how to copy paste them into your application.

So in the code section of each component you will see the tabs like index.tsx, pricingCard.tsx file names so you know where to put the relevant code and you don't have to refactor the code into pieces after copying just copy the relevant file code and you are good to go.

So this was something I really wanted to build because in every other library or marketplace you get the whole messy code and then you are doing just refactoring to split it.

What's the roadmap for this in my mind?

I'll be adding more blocks like dashboards, sidebars, layouts, landing pages. Also I would love to add something you guys think would be good and beneficial, I'm trying to improve it as much as I can and new components are on there way with more slick and clean designs.

The pricing?

So for now the pricing is very minimal and it's just $20 for lifetime subscription I might change it to monthly but I'm just trying to help developers save their time for now.

Wrapping up

I would love to get feedback on this, tell me what I can improve and do more unique. If anyone who can't afford even this pricing, just dm me I would love to give you discount to try these components out.

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