Creating a high conversion landing page for your business


New member
Hi people!!

I've been creating multiple landing pages for startups, including some of my own. I also reviewed tons of landing pages. I found that most of them does not have necessary information or features that is needed for a landing page to convert. Let me try to fix that by sharing my experience in this short post.

First things first, what is the purpose of a landing page?​

I think the only purpose of a landing page is to convert strangers to customer.

A couple of notes on this:
  • Notice that I say stranger, I meant it, it means people who don't know who you are, what you do, what your product is.
  • Customer, it means people who will spend their precious resource to you. This can be in the form of time, money, or attention.

Step 0. Pick a no code website builder​

I'm a software developer specializing in website building. I've built countless web applications. Trust me when I say, DO NOT CODE YOUR LANDING PAGES FROM SCRATCH. There are ENOUGH tools out there for you (non developers) to create your own beautiful landing pages without learning to code, or hiring people to code.

Here's some of the resources I know:
  1. Versoly
  2. Unicorn Platform (SaaS Specific)
  3. Typedream (can make just about anything actually)
  4. Feel free to add more in the comments.
You may notice that I don't mention big brands like Wordpress, Squarespace, etc. I feel like those sites are too complicated for people who just wants to create a simple, high conversion landing pages. This is just my opinion though, feel free to roast me in the comments lol.

Step 1. Pick a design​

There are countless landing page designs out there. Here are some examples:
  1. Stripe
  2. Linear
  3. Many more
You just have to pick one and REPLICATE its layout. Seriously, don't try to be clever and design your own landing page layouts. These guys does tons of research on how to make the most efficient landing pages. The gist of it tho:
  1. Explain your main selling point in the heading (In linear's case it's "The issue trackingtool you'll enjoy using"). Usually this touches on the problem people usually have.
  2. Elaborate more on your selling point in the subheading.
  3. A HUGE button for CTA (Call to action). This has to be the focal point of your landing page.
  4. Layout key features and benefits
  5. List social proof/ testimonials
Note that I only specify mostly SaaS companies. I promise you can find similar landing pages for any other niche, just google it.

Step 2. Fill in the contents​

This might be the hardest part. You need to think about what you want to fill from point 1 to 5. Don't forget to include your product's images or screenshot. If you don't have any images, I find it useful to include illustrations. Find free illustrations on google!.

Remember, you are trying to convert strangers to customers. You need to really think about this. Strangers do not want to read 2 paragraphs to know what you are doing. Strangers do not want to waste 1 minute of their time looking at a demo of your product. Make it short and meaningful.

Step 3. Publish​

PLEASE spend the least time in this. This should be a one click button available on top right corner of your website builder, not some bullshit CI/CD deployment using Github, Github Actions, Kubernetes and GCP with autoscale enabled.

That's really all there is to it. Thanks for reading. See you in the comments section!
@manojwilson Awesome and useful information nicely compiled! If I may add to your list, I recommend MPG plugin. You can generate and edit multiple landing pages in bulk. It works like this: you design a template page from any WordPress entity and upload a spreadsheet (any online or offline format will do) as your source file. This plugin will populate each page as a unique one, with images, data, maps, videos, you name it. If it's on your database, it can be placed on its own landing page. If you need to update any info, just update your database and upload it again. You can even set up a scheduled import and MPG will fetch the most updated info. This plugin is very SEO-oriented too, so you can build pages with Spintax, Schema, sitemap, inlinks, the works. Cheers!

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