Creating email campaigns for fellow course creators?


New member
I love creating email campaigns in my biz. I want to help other businesses with it but which way should I go?

Most of the hundreds of thousands in revenue that my digital course in the outdoors industry has made has been through friend-to-friend email followup campaigns that sell in a low-key manner.

I want to help course creators make a lot more sales from email followup.

I can think of two possible ways to do this:
  1. Custom hand-crafted Done-For-You email campaigns.
  2. A year’s worth of editable premade word-for-word email sequences in an online members area.
Which route should I choose?

TBQH I’d prefer #2 as it’s more scalable but isn’t as customized and doesn't have as large of an average order value as #1.

@paloma2011 I'm not a course creator, but this could be incredibly valuable. Creators are constantly constrained in what they can do because they do not have time. Having someone else create the campaigns seems like a huge value add.

While #2 is infinitely more scaleable, #1 is a better path to vet demand. I've worked with many SaaS companies that started as a professional service business and used that to build out their core technology that they eventually sold as a product. In the same way, instead of sitting down and creating all the templates hoping that people will be willing to pay for them once they are done, get people to pay you for custom ones now that become the basis for the templates.

Doing this, you a) validate that people actually want this, b) essentially have someone pay you to build your templates, and c) create a list of people who you can go back to to sell the templates.
@paloma2011 Honestly you could start forming a boutique agency. I currently work for a very small agency and we focus on just branding. It’s just two of us and we have only a few clients, but we’re making good money for little effort. Email campaigns are crucial in every field so I think you would have a ton of potential clients

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