Creative business name?


New member
I am buying a high end cotton candy machine that actually makes it vertically instead of horizontally. My plan is to sell cotton candy at farmers markets/festivals/etc. and cater to events such as weddings, birthdays, and store openings. I’m having a hard time thinking of what to call this.
This machine is a fun, new, and entertaining way to serve fresh spun cotton candy. I’d like a name to reflect that somehow. Any ideas?! Thanks!

Edit: thanks for the ideas everybody! Just what I needed :)

@taye Cotton Horizon

Edit: you said vertical instead of horizontal, so my suggestion doesn’t make sense. But that also means that I have no idea what exactly differentiates your machine from normal ones. Can you explain further.
@lydiascott Yep, with a normal cotton candy machine the floss comes out horizontally and you would spin the cone around the bowl to collect the cotton candy. With this, the floss goes up in the air like a snake and you spin the cone with your hand to collect it. Here’s a demo

skip to 5:00
@taye I would stick the machine in a giant magic lamp and make it look like your summoning a genie with some colourful candy floss! Name it Candy Wishes or something else related
@taye Twiirl (for twirling cotton candy and a dancing twirl)


Sky Whiirl


Sugar Twist

Twist & Cloud (play on twist and shout)

Sugar Spin

Sky Spin

Sky Sugaar


Hope if you don’t use any of these they at least inspire!

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