CRM software for Newsletter Publishers


New member
Hey guys,

We've built a CRM software tailored for newsletter writers.

It's simple and easy to use, and customized to the needs of those who have a paid or free newsletter.

It helps newsletter owners to:
  • Build strong relationship out of regular email newsletters with subscribers
  • Reduce churn by following up with those who unsubscribe or don't renew their subscription
  • Increase word of mouth/referral through the relationship w current subscribers and getting new subscribers
  • Be able to create a feedback loop with subscribers, and get better (in terms of content)
  • Set up marketing automation for special use cases like birthday messages, Flash sales, cyber Monday, ... which can lead to new subscribers
  • Use sales workflows to keep constant communication with their audience
  • Keep track of what stage is each subscriber, on the sales pipeline, and so communicating with a proper tone based on the stage (using sales automation)
  • Own their audience somewhere outside of Substack (less dependent on platform and more free to switch if they wanted)
If you're interested, sign up for the CRM software early access and we'll send you an exclusive access to the stable version.

Fell free to ask questions or let us know what you think.


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