D&D Players - Scratch That Itch Between Sessions


New member
Dungeons And Dragons is an incredible social experience but unfortunately each session can only last so long, and has to come to an end. We have to return to normal life for sometimes weeks at a time before we can meet again for adventure.

My own group has a text thread going to send meme's, schedule next play, and regale how we narrowly defeated Venomfang.

But how often have you found yourself mid week with that D&D itch? There's no way to 'play'. Sure, there's books, online forums, Critical Role, min/maxing that halfling barb/rogue...

But mostly we're all at work, with kids, at school and simply living normal life.

But what if there was a mobile app that allowed us to scratch that mid week D&D itch?

Not just a group text thread to share another Unearthed Arcana...

An actual app platform that allowed us to literally play in between sessions, not requiring the whole party, or even the DM, to be available at the same time.

This is my startup idea... An app for D&D players to still play in between game sessions. A common mobile platform for the whole party with tracked outcomes and built in tables, dice rollers, etc.

The premise would be for us to play our manually uploaded characters, but not do anything that would affect the group game experience. No experience gained, no combat, maybe no beer?

The app would revolve around material from DMG pg127, "Downtime Activities", and more. But everything from official sources, so any group can use the app.

You'd get to playout all the roleplay aspects of the game and our character that often get overlooked by epic combat encounters or that one player that takes the limelight. And a way for the DM to do more world building. Like giving players rumors and anecdotes from the world.

I know how the UX would look and overall platform would operate, but I'd rather not talk about that now.

For example, Carousing, My lvl 10 Wild Magic Sorcerer can wander the streets away from the party while they rest at the Hog's Head Inn. He could gamble away his money. And maybe bring back a benign trinket to the next session he won in an underground gambling ring.

Or, Crafting, my lvl 5 Barbarian can spend time woodworking and building a house on the outskirts of town. Having to barter resources or run errands. The next session we'd have a house outside Balder's Gate.

What do you think reddit gang?
@kodybricen I’ve only played D&D one time but this sounds like a cool idea. Probably super easy to ask the D&D community what they think of the idea and how they would like to see it implemented since the community is so niche and friendly right?
@kodybricen This is a great idea. It would be great to give the group access to things like interactive shops, mini-games to determine how much progress they earn towards learning down time skills, etc.

I was actually thinking of building interactive player owned housing, where players can arrange furniture, purchase items to place and hire servants. Building this in a game engine that can be rendered into beautiful 3D scenes that players can move through, as well as automatically rendering it into a battle map for the DM to use in sessions.

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